Monday, July 25, 2011

What Every Woman Needs to Know

10.   Women need effective preventative measures from the medical community to ensure that we are not harmed when we are vulnerable.  The medical system relies on our trust.  We have the absolute right to safety from a predator while we are hospitalized.  Women need to be aware of the abuse to at least try to protect ourselves from medical sexual traumas. Hospitals are the ones that can and must STOP sexual assaults by their own personnel now. 

What Every Woman Needs to Know

9.  I reported my MD medical sexual abuser to multiple authorities with solid proof of other related unethical, wrongful and deceitful behaviors.  He was allowed to keep practicing medicine at the hospital and seeing women patients without a chaperone. I did my utmost to report him, but need other women to come forward with me to achieve justice.  There is strength in numbers.  Join me.